PHP Script Codes > Uzzi Soft - PHP Business Management System
The PHP Business Management System will be like normal store transactions. It will allow the staff to be able to make transactions for a purchase, eg customer buys something from the store and they find the products using the product ID and then print out a invoice. We only know so much, so we will assume that all purchases are made using cash. Features of this system are below.
Staff can use the system to update their details
Staff can change their password
Staff can log in to use the system and log out
Staff make transactions for the customer, when the customer is buying a product from the business, by typing in the Product ID
Staff can check if stock is low, medium or high and if stock has run out on a page
System checks if stock has run out before the transaction is processed
System adds added tax costs to final amount.
Can be printed using the normal File -> Print Menu
Staff can see their sales figures, by typing a from and to date
Staff can check there sales, including a from and to date
Admin can check different staff's sales
Admin can check the staffs details, modify staff details, add staff and delete staff
Are able to add, modify and remove items in the system by using a global username and password, eg itemsmanager
Able to delete all temporary tables created