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PHP Script Codes > rssmerge
This is a simple Magpie based script which can be used to merge multiple feeds into a single feed and sort the feed contents based on the date. implies, the latest created item from any feed will appear. This script does not show or ask you to select the feeds but it will mix all the feeds and will sort according to each feed. I found many sites hosting this service but i wanted my own script running on my own server. I have searched for more than 5 days for a simplar script online but could not get any. the demo can be seen at http://mgit.org/www1/rssm erge/. This is merged feeds of more than one blog. installation ihttp://mgit.org/www1/rss merge/ l.e., and all you need to do is push feed urls into the main index file. add more of the following text next to the existing ones inside the index.php file and the script is ready to merge the contents for you. simple! array_push($urls,"http:// adityagn.blogspot.com/rss .xml");