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PHP Script Codes > Amazon full seller website with shopping cart
This is a fully functional amazon seller site, that includes a shopping cart, product search and recent items 3d panorama. It also has 3 additional tabs: Contact us, About us and Delivery so you can link them to your custom pages. The code is very easy to change and customize. The only thing you need to do to have your seller site online is to copy the files inside the amazon folder (from Amazon.zip) to your website root and then modify includes/general.inc.php to use your seller id. And pronto, your website is live and all of your items are browsable, searchable and buyable. If you need customization and can't handle it, do not hesitate to contact us at buma@buma.ro and we will help you add pages and customize the script like you need. Also, if you email us, we have a repricing application that makes sure you are always one step ahead your competitors! We can send that to you for free!
Good luck!