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PHP Script Codes > Fast Track Sites Trouble Ticket System
The Fast Track Sites Trouble Ticket System is a professional trouble ticket system that allows easy communication between your customers and you. It allows for quick resolutions of problems and easy tracking of current and former tickets. Our custom trouble ticket software features cutting edge functions with the ability to easily add more functionality. Whether your business is just starting or is well on its way, the Fast Track Sites Trouble Ticket System will handle all of your trouble ticket needs with the ability to scale for the future.
Professional Version Features
* Easy Installation
* Highly Customizable
* Create and Track Trouble Tickets
* Create Multiple Problem Categories
* Fully AJAX System Allows Table Sorting and Quick Updating
* Ticket Overview Dashboard
* Integrates with our Client Management System
* Multiple Language Support (English and Italian Included)
* Printer Friendly Views
* Reports and Graph