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PHP Script Codes > phpSiteMinder
phpSiteMinder is a website backup program that was built to automate your website file and database backups, and help protect your files from accidental or malicious changes. It's like an insurance policy for your website. It runs on your webserver automatically backing up your databases, and watching your files and backing them up if they change. phpSiteMinder can detect when files are modified or deleted, or if new files appear on your server and alert you via email, and allow you to quickly and easily undo any changes to your website.
Its key features are: File Integrity Monitoring, Scheduled Automatic Database Backups, Automatic File Backups, Website Intrusion Detection, Malicious Content Detection, Email Alerts to Website Administrators, View and Restore Modified or Deleted Files, Restore Database From Backup.
phpSiteMinder is designed to run on a php5 webserver and requires a MySQL database.