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PHP PHP-Protection Licensing & Distribution System Script

PHP Script Codes > security-systems

PHP-Protection Licensing & Distribution System Commercial

Rate: | Price: Commercial | Publisher: Office Site | Demo: | Views: 446

PHP Script Codes > PHP-Protection Licensing & Distribution System
If you're concerned about people taking your code and re-distributing your scripts without your permission, chargebacks after payment and licensing issues then you need PHP-Protection!
We all understand that copyright issues on the Internet with unprotected code is rife, people purchase your code, modify it and sell it on as their own to make profit. Why should you work
hard for other people to simply take away prospective customers and steal your profits? Well you don't have to with our licensing system. We can help you lock it down for good!

PHP-Protection is a very simple, yet extremely secure system that almost effortlessly plugs into your existing or new applications code core logic, providing you with license control and enforcement capabilities that until now, has been rare and very difficult to find at a reasonable price..