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PHP Script Codes > HackerTrap
HackerTrap is the first step towards protecting your site. The web today is a jungle of hackers and script kiddies trying to take over any servers they can. They blast your site with multiple requests for different applications and check which get a response - and then exploit its known weaknesses. Even if you don't run the application, the error response provides information on the webserver type and version (a double whammy, because the standard error response is confusing if seen by a real user!).
With HackerTrap you specify which applications you DON'T run, and which directories a user should NEVER access. It comes preloaded with the common directories and file used by popular scripts to probe sites. When a hacker shotguns your site looking for weaknesses, it hits one and BAM, he's can't get near you! If a user makes an innocent mistake, he is not penalized and in fact, gets an attractive page customized by you.
Now with search and sort functions to see who's probing you!