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PHP PHPYouSendIt Script

PHP Script Codes > file-manipulation

PHPYouSendIt Commercial

Rate: | Price: Commercial | Publisher: Office Site | Demo: | Views: 2818

PHP Script Codes > PHPYouSendIt
YouSendIt Clone is almost exactly like the popular services
called yousendit, youshareit, etc. How it works: For the administrator you can
limit the file sizes, file types, amount of times a file can be sent, put a time
limit on the file and set the script to auto delete should any rules be broken.
For the visitor: He/she can send the file to anyone with an email address where
the user clicks on a link sent by the system to allow for download. This
software is packed with all the options found in the "big sites" an even
includes an auto-installer to get you going within 5 minutes from downloading
it. Give this software a try and we are sure you will be impressed