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PHP Script Codes > Hacker Fighter PHP Email Contact Forms
PHP email contact forms with user input validation, along with messages to tell a user what they have done wrong if they enter non acceptable input characters, invalid email or leave an input empty. Spam hacker attempts at sending the script things like PHP newlines are totally rejected, stopping attempts by spam hackers to use your contact form processor as a spam relay.
As for spambots, instead of annoying captcha for web visitors to try to enter and then get frustrated, these forms instead use an invisible honey pot to stop spambots, if the spambots do not fail input validation to begin with.
Variations. We have these free open source HackerFighter forms in a variety of configurations for download, including with checkboxes, dropdown lists, radio buttons or even multiple receiving email if you need that. You can of course just have just a simple contact form if you like, but all will have the same spam hacker security.