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PHP Script Codes > Extreme Search Engine - Free
We offer multiple versions of our premium search engine software. The Extreme Enterprise Edition allows you to have Pay Per Click, Pay Per Month, and Pay Per Impression Listings. It has a full Affiliate Program with PayPal Mass Pay. Set a signup bonus, minimum bids, use many different credit card processors, upload Excel Spreadsheets, 3 different types of listings, get external results from Bing|Yahoo|Youtube and many more, use Google Adsense, and use the Ebay + Amazon Affiliate Program. It has dedicated pages like: top keywords, popular sites, top rated sites and what's new. Block ip address, hosts, and countries. It comes with a spider and template themes. Get results in multiple languages. There are search engine friendly urls, thumbnails, optional framed links, and easy to use templates. Your customers can search Twitter, News, Images, and more. It's easy to use and ready to go today! Includes free installation on the same day you purchase.