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PHP GeoCoder 2 Script

PHP Script Codes > zip-code-locators

GeoCoder 2 Free

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PHP Script Codes > GeoCoder 2
This application makes it easy to look up the Google Maps coordinates for a given address.
GeoCoder 2 will load your MySQL address table and show all datasets which have no latitude and longitude. Simply click "LookUp" and the Geocoder 2 will give you a map with a marker showing the according location and coordinates.

This location can be transferred back to the address form or be modified by clicking and dragging the marker to the right position if the geo-coding was not 100% precise. Should the geo-coding return a negative result (not found) you can set the marker yourself or use the search function.

Having transferred the coordinates to your address form you can save the data to your MySQL address table.
This app can easily be modified to do bulk processing without user interaction.

Size 5K