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PHP MySQL Database Navigation and Pagination Script

PHP Script Codes > database-tools

MySQL Database Navigation and Pagination Commercial

Rate: | Price: Commercial | Publisher: Office Site | Demo: | Views: 384

PHP Script Codes > MySQL Database Navigation and Pagination
If you are working with hosting MySQL databases, and pick up data from them frequently, this script may make your life easy working with them.

1. navigate and paginate to your databases tables;
2. Filter table data on the fly without coding SQL ;
3. export table data(may contains filter conditions) to csv etc. format;
4. SQL Editor helps you fire queries from database and export the resultset;
5. Web based MySQL shell emulator for the command-enthusiast;
6. download, uncompress and use it. no configuration needed.

This is a drag-drop to use script. Just download the zip and uncompress it to your web directory, than start to use.

This script will populate all databases with your account, you can choose to hide some database by chaning the configuration.