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PHP Script Codes > vBulletin - #1 PHP Discussion Board Script / Forum Script
vBulletin is easily the Internet's most powerful and easy to set up web forum solution. PHP-based and flush with a thriving 3rd party developer network in the thousands, vBulletin can be tailor fit to any unique requirement. vBulletin comes STANDARD with such premium features as Photo Albums, Group Management, Calendars, Events, Polls, Bogs, and CMS! vBulletin automatically scales to a mobile site for iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile smartphones and can be upgraded to produce custom iPhone and Android Apps! vBulletin can be customized to end, supporting full XHTML & CSS markup.
Want to monetize your site? vBulletin is the ONLY forum solution that comes standard with built-in Google AdSense support, integrated SkimLinks Affiliate Marketing, and Paid Subscription capabilities.
Already running a web forum? vBulletin allows EASY migration from our less-impressive competitors. Check it out!