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PHP Script Codes > PHP Currency Converter
NuSphere provides PHP Currency Converter as a sample application for PhpDOCK. It is very educational PHP Application, which uses PHP NuSoap Web services class to get currency exchange rates and provides the User Interface for currency conversion. It also makes use of SQLite - PHP embedded database. PHP Currency Converter is the sample php application for PhpDock and works in both on-line and off-line mode. PHP Currency Converter consists of six PHP Scripts and one SQLite database file. Basic functions:
- displays the form for currencies selection. Fetches available currencies from SQLite database - processes the POST Request to convert the currencies, performs rate lookup in SQLite database and displays the result - converter service. It is a PHP Script executed upon start up which can also run in background. It uses NuSoap calls to webservices to get the currency exchange rates and store them in SQLite database.