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PHP Status2k - E-Mail Alerts, Bandwidth Monitoring & More! Script

PHP Script Codes > web-hosting-tools

Status2k - E-Mail Alerts, Bandwidth Monitoring & More! Commercial

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PHP Script Codes > Status2k - E-Mail Alerts, Bandwidth Monitoring & More!
Server Status 2k is a PHP script designed to display your server stats in an easy to understand format, this means your current and future clients can see how your web server is performing.

But the script is not limited to just clients, its also a valuable tool for administrators. The administration page displays a number of useful system stats such as logs, port connections, users logged into SSH and more! And if that's not enough the whole admin page is in real time meaning you can see how many connections there are to HTTP, SSH, POP3, MySQL, at that point in time as well as the top processes.