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PHP Script Codes > Special Offer Manager
The one challenge that every marketer faces is getting visitors enticed to buy while at the sales page.
Well, here's a really innovative way to add urgency that can get fence sitters to buy YOUR products - all while adding a real incentive for your customers.
Imagine searching the web for the product or service you need. Your favorite site or search engine locates just what you wanted, and you visit the page. As you read the details, you come across a message that says you have 'XXX' time to act on their special offer or a very special one time offer, for the product you want!! Well, it's act now or loose out a "humdinger" of a deal. So, you buy now! You leave the page, content that you happened upon a sale that only had limited time to go. Well, that's great that you're happy with your purchase. Didn't you
find it to be incredible that you stumbled across that sale, before it ran out? This system has proven to be effective, tim