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PHP Script Codes > Article Manager 2.0 - interactivetools.com
Designed for YOU, the overworked webmaster! With more features than any other solution, Article Manager gives you absolutely everything you need to manage your very own article driven website. *** Create thousands - or HUNDREDS of thousands - of articles. *** No Limitations. Make a headlines file to include in your other pages, create extra RSS feeds, publish an entire duplicate version of your site for hand-held devices, display your articles in text-only formats...it's up to you! *** Upload an unlimited number of images or file attachments to each of your articles. *** Looks exactly like YOUR website. *** No limitations on data. Create hundreds of thousands of articles, tons of categories, and hundreds of users. *** Cross Browser WYSIWYG. *** The world's best supported software. Unlimited Free Support. Free Upgrades. Incomparable 90-day, no hassle, money back guarantee. *** TRY THE FREE ONLINE DEMO NOW!