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PHP Script Codes > Free Ipods Clone
Did you hear about a very successful f r e e i p o d s marketing campaign? Featured in such major on-line news resources as Wired and EndGadget, it spread a wave of interest across the country, giving away thousands of items. It's is quite probable that you were one of those lucky people! But you can be sure that the company behind this program was not dispatching the gadgets out of some altruistic reasons or in order to promote them, they have a lot of promotion anyway. To get the prize members of the program had to sign up for a certain on-line promotion ( like AOL, or Ancestry.com trials) and get five other people to follow suit. But on average only 10-15% of all participants manage to persuade five their friends to sign up. And for every new members, supplied to their sponsors, organizers obtain up to 90 dollars. Simple arithmetics shows that with item price around 250$ this campaign works out really well for its organizers. It's a completely new, legitimate and effective