Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 2169
PHP Script Codes >
randover is a simple security system based on a simple algorithm and its free security system which can be used by anyone to login effectively ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 2132
PHP Script Codes >
Once you follow the simple installation procedure, you will be protected. The script will monitor your server load. Once your load hits 20 your site will automatically be disabled from processing php to prevent your server from crashing. At ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 2131
PHP Script Codes >
With DownloadProtect you can successfully stop file leechers from stealing and linking to your downloads which would cost you tons of bandwidth. This script will not allow any file linking or stealing of any kind. It also log all leeching-a ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 2130
PHP Script Codes >
DirLocker allows/denies access to any protected directory for all members or for every member individually. DirLocker operate with .htaccess and .htpasswd files to restrict users access to resources on folder protection based, therefore you ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 2067
PHP Script Codes >
Captcha Splasher is a random image number generator security tool. Its purpose is to prevent automatic signups or signins by robots or computer programs, with the intention of spamming the system. ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 2027
PHP Script Codes >
Add more security to your site with this turing number generator! Probably you have seen this kind of security measures taken on most serious sites - yahoo, moneybookers, stormpay and so on. You can add this great feature and please your si ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1987
PHP Script Codes >
Simple but effective CAPTCHA script, tested on live forum with 200-500 visitors per day - about 4% of spam since CAPTCHA is implemented. Requirements: PHP and GD. Detailed installation instructions on the website. ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1940
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1880
PHP Script Codes >
Uses variable sized hashes, as well as adjustable character libraries. Input text is shuffled according to rules generated COMPLETELY from the password, so without the password there is no way to even come close. No patterns will remain e ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 1844
PHP Script Codes >
HackerTrap is the first step towards protecting your site. The web today is a jungle of hackers and script kiddies trying to take over any servers they can. They blast your site with multiple requests for different applications and check wh ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1842
PHP Script Codes >
ZB Block is a fast all-around php driven security pre-parser for securing websites against several forms of attack, including robots, hackers, some spambots, bad hosts, signature spam, forum spam, SQL injection(SQLi), Remote File Inclusion( ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 1811
PHP Script Codes >
easiCaptcha is a captcha that you can add to your web forms easily and quickly, it consists of 2 php scripts, a decrypt loader folder and a configuration file that you can use to adjust easiCaptcha's preferences if you feel you want to. You ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1786
PHP Script Codes >
Spider Trap is a freeware tool which ban bad webrobots and protect your site against domain grabbing. The script add automatically IP Adresses to the htaccess to deny access to your website for spiders which are not take care off the robots ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 1742
PHP Script Codes >
The Goal of our CAPTCHA SCRIPT is to stop spammers, and automated programs or scripts from making post and/or submitting an online form. There are many free tutorials out there on accomplishing this process, ours sets up in 5 minutes or les ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1719
PHP Script Codes >
This class implements a hash based (sha1 / md5) block cipher in output feedback mode and provides secure encryption for php installations without mcrypt library.
Documentation comes in phpDoc format.
Example script is provided.
V. 1.0 ...