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PHP Script Codes >
This script is intended to be used for archiving stories or fanfiction. Features: multiple categories of fanfiction; characters assigned to each category; genres, ratings, warnings; membership system for authors; author bio page; admins can ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 9149
PHP Script Codes >
Start your own fmylife type website using FMyScript. Loaded with Ajaxified functions, Mutliple Languages, Mobile / iPhone Website, Spam Protection, Clickable Links, RSS Feeds and a clean design FMyScript is a powerful story sharing script. ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 1197
PHP Script Codes >
The culture of failure which precisely how FMyLife.com builds on is exactly what makes this seemingly simple yet POWERFUL platform addictive for your site users. The custom interface of FMyLife Pro also allows you to start your own unique s ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 902
PHP Script Codes >
PHP Fan Fiction is a flat-file PHP archiving software, designed to provide a database backend for small to medium sized story archiving sites. It consists of only 2 files and 1 folder and will easily intergrate into existing websites. All ...