PHP Script Codes > KBLinker
Link masking and cloaking only goes so far, and tracking only confirms who didn't convert. Most affiliate networks automatically redirect your visitors to one of their offers when they don't meet the geographic criteria. Want a single link that would automatically change the target based on where your users live, or where they came from? Now you can, with KBLinker.
Block AND Redirect traffic.
-- Based on traffic referral.
-- Or internet address.
Prevent Affiliate Networks from redirecting ineligible international traffic away from you:
-- Redirect traffic to specific destinations based on their country of origin.
Attach additional information with your cloaked links.
Control your method of redirection
-- Straight Thru (PHP/301)
-- Referral Scrubbing (Double Meta Refresh)
-- Address hiding (Framed Redirection)
-- Stealth (Javascript Redirect)