Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1709
PHP Script Codes >
Cookie Encoder, adds aditional security to your site cookies.
Uses base64_encode and md5 in parts, to create the ultimately secure cookie that I am proud to call my own.
Cookie Enabled Browser
Unix Server with PHP Safemo ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 1705
PHP Script Codes >
PHPCipher is a complete source code encryption and protection system. An online licensing module allows programmers to easily and transparently restrict their code to specific domains or IP address.
PHPCipher now comes with a complete c ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1703
PHP Script Codes >
You can generate a password of any length, and decide if want or not to use uppercase, lowercase, numbers or any special character.
Plug and play funcion. ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1699
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1669
PHP Script Codes >
Safedata is a PHP class that effectively disables both register_globals and magic_quotes.
It includes wrapper functions for MySQL / MySQLi's escape string functions and for htmlentities / htmlspecialchars that allow you to use both stri ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1649
PHP Script Codes >
SecureTag allows you to effectively monitor your web traffic with it's IP logger and restrict access to parts of your site with full or wild-card IP bans.
With two simple mySQL tables, SecureTag is a lightweight solution to your statist ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1619
PHP Script Codes >
kses is an HTML filter. It removes all unwanted HTML elements and HTML attributes, no matter how malformed HTML input it gets. This is helpful for avoiding XSS (Cross-site Scripting) security holes, among other things. ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1603
PHP Script Codes >
phpMyFirewall is a command line front end to iptables for Linux systems running kernel 2.6 or kernel 2.4 The goal of this project is to showcase php's abilities to secure a Linux server through standard iptable rules, and kernel tuning.
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1582
PHP Script Codes >
Ever wonder where SPAMMERS get your email address even though you don't add it to mailing lists? Believe it or not, there is software designed to work much like a normal "spider", except that they harvest email address to be sold. ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1581
PHP Script Codes >
DRBImageVerification is a simple anti-spam image verification, or "CAPTCHA", script. It allows you to add a challenge-response test to your existing PHP powered forms to prevent automated spam postings. The verification string len ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1535
PHP Script Codes >
You ever wanted to establish an crypted connection between a server and a client?
Perhaps we have a free solution for you: Transcrypt.
The content gets crypted the the ARC4 (RC4 cmpatible) algorithm and sent to the client. The client c ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1534
PHP Script Codes >
This Captcha is packaged into a class and therfore only needs 5 lines of code to be entered into your code and the creation of a folder with writable permissions for the image.
All the variables are held inside the class for easy editing
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1507
PHP Script Codes >
Hotlink Reverser is an advanced script that will automatically change the name of your content files and the links on your web pages.
All visitors who come from a site that is hotlinking to your content files can be redirected to any url y ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1501
PHP Script Codes >
Unlike many other free captcha implementations, this captcha is designed to be extremely hard to crack for computer programs. No fancy colors here that a determined attacker can filter out more easily than a human. The website has a demo pa ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 1462
PHP Script Codes >
CodeBreak hides your secret message into a sentence that can be read using morse code as the key. After encoding your message, simply cover the upper or lower parts of the characters to reveal the hidden message. ...