Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 2902
PHP Script Codes >
TrueColor Lite provides a powerful web interface to PHP4's GD2 graphic library.
Scaling, resizing, rotation and mirroring are all included in the Lite version.
File management also includes directory browsing, creation and deletion. Incl ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 2845
PHP Script Codes >
JCimagehost is a simple image upload service you can add to your site. It is the "little brother" of JCphotohost.
The user is presented with an upload box, and then given the URL of the image once it has been uploaded.
The ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 2804
PHP Script Codes >
The PHP Exif Library (PEL) provides an easy-to-use library written in pure PHP which will allow you to both read and write the Exif headers commenly found in JPEG and TIFF photos taken with digital cameras. All tags can be added and delete ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 2798
PHP Script Codes >
This script demonstrates pixel based operations in PHP. It stores and retrieves text (like HTML) in truecolor PNG images.
And it's pretty fast at it too. A demo is available as well as full source.
I'd be very interested in knowing if ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 2793
PHP Script Codes >
Dynamic Picture Frame is a PHP script which allows you to add a nearly endless variety of picture frames of any size to images on your website. ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 2756
PHP Script Codes >
Veqa Image Resizer is a PHP tool to resize Web images on the fly. Features 82 size presets, width/height dimensions, constrain proportions, pixels, percentage, inches, centimeters, millimeters, points, picas, adding, subtracting, multiplyin ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 2737
PHP Script Codes >
This script uses the gd library to resizes an original image and saves the result into another jpg file.
There is an online demo. ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 2625
PHP Script Codes >
A helpful collection of image processing routines. Some convert between colour spaces and others process the image. Such as converting from RGB to HLS, converting hex colour strings to RGB arrays, colourising an image or producing a thresho ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 2617
PHP Script Codes >
This class can be used to determine whether an image may contain nudity.
It analyses the colors used in different sections of an image to determine whether those colors match the human skin color tones.
As result of the analysis it ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 2611
PHP Script Codes >
With this script you can upload images
In the submit form you can provide
the max height and max width needed.
After submitting the uploaded image
file will be resized to the new
max height and max width provided.
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 2596
PHP Script Codes >
This script aims to provide a simple way of marking an image with a digital "watermark" to prevent unauthorized use. It is implemented as a PHP class and should be usable inside most PHP scripts. Images are accepted either as a fi ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 2558
PHP Script Codes >
Generating thumbnails in PHP couldn't be easier with this class based script. Simply include the class file, specify the file to resize and generate thumbnails on the fly, very easy to install and incredibly powerful script. ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 2533
PHP Script Codes >
This library reads the EXIF data embeded in images taken from digital cameras. It reads many more tags than standard PHP and will work without needing to compile PHP with the exif option. ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 2478
PHP Script Codes >
Tired of building applications to size images over and over, well look no more, this single php function will create any sized thumbnails you need. Its just a simple script to place inside of the src tag that does the magic. With one line t ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 2388
PHP Script Codes >
With our Favicon generator 1 php script you can generate a favicon from a picture, logo or other graphic of any size or resolution. This is online tool that simplified the creation of favicons using a regular image without requiring any add ...