Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 119140
PHP Script Codes >
JpGraph is a OO Graph drawing library for PHP4 as well as PHP5. Highlighted features: Supports both text, linear and log scale for both X and Y-axis; Supports image maps; Supports anti-aliasing of lines; Background image; Supports color-gra ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 64191
PHP Script Codes >
FusionCharts Suite XT helps you create stunning charts, gauges and maps in a jiffy for all your web and enterprise applications. Using it, you can build awesome dashboards, reports, analytics, monitors, surveys and more that blend aesthetic ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 39177
PHP Script Codes >
Use the BAR_GRAPH class to create horizontal / vertical bar graphs, progress bars and faders. You can create simple graphs and even grouped bar graphs with legends, add labels, change colors etc. No graphics or libraries (GD etc.) required. ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 38477
PHP Script Codes >
Add Powerful reporting features to your Web / Intranet pages and applications. With advanced graphing you will be quickly adding impressive and dynamic charting capabilities bringing your data alive ! The PHP graphing scripts provide a ve ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 37332
PHP Script Codes >
phpChart is a PHP4 class package derived and hacked from advGraph to generate charts in Flash4 SWF format. It allows you to generate scatter, line, column charts in FLASH format. The Ming PHP extension to SWF is used in this class package. ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 33176
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 27205
PHP Script Codes >
DynaGraph creates dynamic graphs based on data selected from a database query. Using PHP, DynaGraph accesses a MySQL database, and uses the results to plot information to a bar graph in the GIF format, using gd1.3. ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 24606
PHP Script Codes >
PHPLOT is a PHP script for creating Dynamic Scientific, Business, and Stock Market Type graphs. Written in PHP and supports,
PHP3, PHP4, TTF (or no ttf), and GD versions 1.2 - latest version. It includes Pie, Bar, Line, Area, Point and com ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 24491
PHP Script Codes >
Libchart is a free chart creation PHP library, that is easy to use. It can generate bar, line diagrams or piecharts.
It is compatible with PHP5 (compiled with GD and FreeType) and requires no other dependency. ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 22783
PHP Script Codes >
PHPGraphLib is a PHP 4.3+ friendly object-oriented script that has powerful customization features, allowing you to generate the perfect graph for any web site or application. Best used with dynamically data, PHPGraphLib allows easy visual ...
Rate: | Price: Commercial | Demo: | Views: 20515
PHP Script Codes >
ChartDirector is a fast and powerful charting component for creating professional and clickable charts. It's unique layering architecture enables you to synthesize the charts you want using standard chart layers. ChartDirector's comprehensi ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 19594
PHP Script Codes >
This is a PHP Class to draw graphs. Line, Point, Area, and Bar Graphs are supported. Legends, shading, and zero-axis support. Output is highly configurable. Refer to examples for illustration of use. Requires GD and TTF support. Tested on P ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 17420
PHP Script Codes >
Bar graph allows you to draw online 2D graphs or save output into GIF image. For input you have 3 arrays: array with names of X axis, array with column values, and array with RGB code for column color. It requires GD library. ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 17033
PHP Script Codes >
Graidle can be used to generate several types of graphical diagrams.
There are several classes specialized in generating histograms (also horizontal) ,spider, pie and line (also filled) charts, is possible to customize easly many visual as ...
Rate: | Price: Free | Demo: | Views: 15440
PHP Script Codes >
Sparkline is a specialized graphing library designed for creating small, intense, wordlike graphics. Sparklines are the brainchild of Edward Tufte, noted expert in information design. ...