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PHP PHP?dir Script

PHP Script Codes > redirection

PHP?dir Free

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PHP Script Codes > PHP?dir
PHP?dir was created to make url's like http://www.url.com/thispage.php?page=namepage or http://url.com/?page=namepage

You add possibilities in the url-array below in the form: "namepage" => "http://url.com/page.html" with a comma between the different naam => url's (see example)

This will give the page url.com/thispage.php?page=namepage

It also works when you use other variables in the url as url.com/thispage.php?page=index&test=525 . Then it adds the extra variable (test=525) also to the base url (http://url.com/test/page/ becomes http://url.com/test/page/?test=525)